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Immersive APM

Immersive APM (@ImmersiveAPM and #ImmersiveAPM on social media) is an Immersive Fusion product that leverages and showcases innovative approaches to (APM). It uses web and immersive technologies, such as three dimensions (3D) and Virtual Reality (VR), to provide engineers with a more intuitive and immersive view of application performance.

Immersive APM is cloud native solution that leverages the OpenTelemetry observability framework. This data is then used to create a three-dimensional representation of the application and its performance in a virtual or augmented environment. Engineers can then use VR or AR headsets or devices to navigate and explore the application in real-time, allowing for a more intuitive and immersive understanding of application performance.

One of the key advantages of immersive APM is its ability to provide engineers with a more comprehensive and intuitive view of application performance. By visualizing performance data in a three-dimensional environment, engineers can quickly identify patterns and trends that may not be apparent in traditional two-dimensional views. This can help them to identify potential issues more quickly and make faster, more informed decisions.

Another advantage of immersive APM is its ability to improve collaboration and communication between engineers. By providing a shared, immersive view of application performance, engineers can work together more effectively, share insights, and develop solutions more quickly.

Immersive APM solutions are also well-suited for monitoring and managing complex, distributed applications. By providing a centralized view of performance data in an immersive environment, engineers can more easily identify issues that may be hidden in traditional monitoring tools.

Overall, Immersive APM is an effective way for organizations to gain a deeper understanding of application performance and identify potential issues more quickly. By providing an immersive and intuitive view of application performance, immersive APM solutions can help engineers to work more effectively, improve collaboration, and make faster, more informed decisions.